Plants for Sale

If there is something you are interested in obtaining, please visit, call or email: We will be happy to let you know what is available for sale. Actual packing and shipping charges will apply for live specimens.
The following list is subject to change, according to inventory on hand.
Tropical Milkweed | Asclepias curassavica | |
Runyon's Water Willow | Justicia runyonii | |
Corky Stemmed Passion Flower | Passiflora suberosa | |
Mexican Flame Vine | Senecio confusus | |
Texas Sabal Palm | Sabal Mexicana | |
Palo Verde | Parkinsonia texana | |
Mottled Tuberose | Mandreda variegata | |
Dumpling Cactus | Runyon's Coryphantha | |
Horse Crippler | Echinocactus texensis | |
Raspilla | Mimosa malacophylla | |
Mexican Ash | Fraxinus berlandieriana | |
Persimmon | Diospyros texana | |
Tenaza | Pithecellobium pallens | |
Honey Mesquite | Prosopis glandulosa | |
Sugar Hackberry | Celtis laevigata | |
Texas Torchwood | Amyris texana | |
Anacua | Ehritia anacua | |
Wright's Catclaw | Acacia greggii var. wrightii | |
Common Bee Bush ( white brush) | Aloysia gratissima | |
Retama | Parkinsonia aculeata | |
Guajillo | Acacia berlandieri | |
Narrow Leaf Elbow Bush | Forestiera angustifolia | |
Snap Dragon Vine | Maurandya antirrhiniflora | |
Mexican Hat | Ratibida columnifera | |
Texas Mountain Laurel (mescal bean) | Sophora secundiflora | |
Rio Grande Abutilon | Abutilon hypoleucum | |
Huisache | Acacia farnesiana | |
Huisachillo | Acacia schaffneri | |
Mexican Capraria | Capraria mexicana | |
Guayacan | Guaiacum angustifolium | |
Carolina Wolfberry | Lycium Carolinianum var. quadrifidum | |
Soapberry (jaboncillo) | Sapindus saponaria | |
Potato Tree | Solanum erianthum | |
Rio Grande Butterfly Bush (tepozan) | Cephalanthus salicifolius | |
Texas Ebony | Chloroleucon ebano | |
Mexican Caesalpinia | Caesalpinia mexicana | |
Coral Bean | Erythrina herbacea | |
Berlandier's Fiddlewood | Citharexylum berlandieri | |
Berlandier's Indian Mallow | Abutilon berlandieri | |
Red Sage ( scarlet sage) var. [white,pink] | Salvia coccinea | |
Hierba de Alacran ( White Plumbago) | Plumbago scandens | |
Blue Boneset (Spring Mistflower) | Tamaulipa Azurea (Eupatorium azureum) | |
Blue Mistflower (crucita) | Chromolaena odorata | |
Yellow Sophora ( Necklace Pod) | Sophora tomentosa var. occidentalis | |
Mexican Oregano ( redbrush Lippia) | Lippia graveolens | |
Skeleton Leaf Daisy (golden eye daisy) | Viguiera stenoloba | |
Brushy Lippia | Lippia Alba | |
Shrubby Blue Sage | Salvia ballotiflora | |
Brush Holly | Xylosma flexuosa | |
Crenate Leaf Snake Herb | Dyschoriste crenulata | |
Flame Acanthus | Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii | |
Shorthorn Jefea | Jefea brevifolia | |
Mexican Tournefortia ( googly-eyed vine) | Tournifortia volubilis | |
Tube Tongue | Justicia pilosella | |
Hachinal (willow leaved heimia) | Heimia salicifolia | |
Texas Kidneywood | Eysenhardtia texana | |
Barbados Cherry (manzanita) | Malpighia glabra | |
Pigeon Berry (Rouge plant) | Rivina humilis | |
Crucillo (randia) | Randia rhagocarpa | |
Lili of the Lomas (lila de los llanos) | Echeandia chandleri | |
Chisme (portulaca) | Portulaca pilosa | |
Texas Stone Crop (texas sedum) | Lenophyllum texanum | |
Texas Frog Fruit | Phyla nodiflora | |
Silky Leaf Frog Fruit | Phyla strigulosa | |
Gregg's Mistflower | Conoclinium greggii | |
Betony Mistflower | Conoclinium betonicifolium | |
Texas Lantana (calico bush) | Lantana urticoides | |
Sonset Lantana | Lantana camara | |
Low Croton (berlandier croton) | Croton humilis | |
Rio Grande Mock Vervain | Glandularia polyantha | |
Spanish Dagger (palma pita) | Yucca treculeana | |
Vasey's Adelia | Adelia vaseyi | |
Zizotes Milkweed | Asclepias oenotheroides | |
Heart-leaved Hibiscus | Hibiscus martianus | |
Purple Sage (cenizo) | Leucophyllum frutescens | |
Goldenrod | Solidago sempervirens | |
Hairy Wedelia | Wedelia texana | |
Small-flowered Wrightwort | carlowrightia parviflora | |
Six-angle Fold Wing | Dicliptera sexangularis | |
Common Balloon Vine | Cardiospermum halicacabum | |
Baby Bonnets | Coursetia axillaris | |
Turk's cap | Malvaviscus drummondii |